Development Update: 19/Jun/15


Currently: Since this is one of the first development posts, I’ll give you a quick synopsis of what we have completed previously.

  • Collision Detection and Destruction: 

The player’s bullets collide with the environment and then subsequently ‘bounce’ or ricochet in the reflecting direction from which it came. The bullets will destroy the enemy game-objects once in contact with them but will continue on its path afterwards. Currently, their bullets run on a timer. This value is hidden from the player, as it is not important to show it visually. Once the timer runs out the bullet will be destroyed. But the player must also be wary, as missing a shot will result in their character taking damage.

  • Enemy Timer System:

The enemies of the game do not just stand there and take the rolling punches either. They will deal damage to the player if they are taking to long to take a shot. This gives the player insentive to make quick decisions. The timer system was set up with a UI image that scales with the passing seconds to let the player know how much time has been taking up between shots. If the timer runs out a boolean is triggered for the player to take damage.

  • Health System:

There is a basic health system in place to manage the player taking damage from the aformentioned Enemy Timer System. The player is given a total of eight health points, which decrement with each damage taken. If the health points reach zero, the player object triggers a game-over boolean.

  • Score System:

For every enemy that is destroyed, and for each health points retained the score system displays at the end of the game the multiplied result on the screen. A high score is retained in the player prefs, and if the score is greater than the last it will replace the value there. Otherwise the last highscore will also be displayed.

  • Movement:

To mimic the movement controls that the players will utilise while playing on mobile devices we have set up mouse controls, whereby the player character will turn and rotate towards the mouse cursor.

I will now talk you through what we are working on at the moment. These do not have any time frame but are simply our most pressing goals at the moment.

  • Sounds Manager

Can’t have much of a game without atmosphere. One of the simplest ways to achieve this is by using the right music and sounds. To handle this well we will need to develop a viable sound manager script that can be called when ever it is needed.

  • Linerenderer Manager

The player character has a linerenderer protruding out from it, to act as a laser-pointer. What would work better would be a guidance system that showed the next path after a ricochet. Something like that found in a billards or pool game.

Thanks again for reading [assuming you managed to get this far], and please continue to follow us for future updates on the project!

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